Short Comunications
food, stress and infections: their etiological role in autoimmune diseases
Amanda Rodríguez
Ariel Padrón-González1
1 Instituto Ciencias Básicas y Preclínicas "Victoria de Girón". Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. Cuba
*Author for correspondence. E-mail:
The etiology of autoimmune diseases is still unknown, but different causes arise.
Objective: To describe the role of hormones, diet, stress and infections
in the etiology of autoimmune diseases.
Material and Methods : A bibliographic review was made using the Google
Scholar and articles of free access in the Pubmed and Scielo database from 2015
to 2019. The search terms were used according to the DeCS and MeSH descriptors.
Development: It is well known that female hormones increase the risk
of autoimmune diseases. Stress can maintain low-grade chronic inflammatory responses
that cause tissue damage, initiating or aggravating the clinical manifestations
of autoimmunity. An adequate diet allows the guests of the intestinal microbiota
to maintain the homeostasis of the immune system. Today, glutamate is used as
a flavor enhancer, especially in developed countries. Perhaps it is one of the
causes of the higher incidence of autoimmune diseases in these regions.
Conclusions: Autoimmune diseases are more frequent in women. Adequate
nutrition allows the gut microbiota not to be altered and to maintain immunological
homeostasis. Infections and stress situations can trigger or exacerbate the
clinical manifestations of autoimmunity.
Keywords: autoimmunity; hormones- autoimmunity; stress- autoimmunity;
food- autoimmunity; infections- autoimmunity.
Failures in tolerance cause autoantibodies and autoreactive lymphocytes that
cause autoimmune diseases. These trigger immune responses that are harmful to
the body. Even when genetics is a predisposing factor, diet, hormones, stress,
among others, are necessary to trigger them. However, the initiation of these
mechanisms is unknown.(1,2,3)
Evolutively, since the females are responsible for perpetuating the species, their immune system is stronger, which is why they are more prone to develop autoimmune diseases due to the action of the female sex hormones.(2,4)
It has been seen that stress can cause autoimmune diseases. Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology is a science that explains the role of these phenomenons in these systems. In addition, infectious diseases can trigger, through different mechanisms, failures in the tolerance to self-reactive activity.(3)
Due to the lack of understanding of the complexity of these issues, the present review was conducted with the objective of describing the role of hormones, nutrition, stress and infectious diseases in the development of autoimmune diseases.
Hormones and autoimmunity
Why are autoimmune diseases more common in women than in men? Estrogens are hormones considered immunostimulatory while progesterone and androgens have immunomodulatory effects due to changes in Th1 / Th2 patterns.(5)
Its role in cellular homeostasis is complex and depends on the physiological context. They modulate the immune response, control gene expression and modify the expression of proteins by interacting with the genome through nuclear and extranuclear pathways. An imbalance in these mechanisms can trigger autoimmune diseases.(1,6)
Then one might ask how does a woman tolerate the fetus that is a semialograft? A balance has been achieved during pregnancy. The predominance of the inflammatory pattern (Th1) is necessary during fertilization, implantation, which returns around the third trimester for delivery. The regulatory Th2 response predominates during the rest of the pregnancy. Changes in this balance are associated with implantation problems, recurrent abortions, preterm delivery and infertility.(7)
Feeding and autoimmunity
It is one of the topics currently studied and of which there are still many puzzles to elucidate. Alterations in diet cause changes in the intestinal microbiome and are associated with autoimmune diseases and inflammatory disorders. Diets with a predominance of saturated fatty acids promote the Th1-Th17 response and activate the inflammasome, which can induce tissue lesions. While the ingestion of unsaturated fatty acids inhibits the aforementioned substances. The mechanisms that cause these alterations are not fully understood.(7)
In type 1 diabetes mellitus, the production of autoantibodies against pancreatic islets has been related to exposure to toxic chemicals, the consumption of milk in childhood and the decrease of commensal bacteria of the gastric microbiota such as Bifidobacterium.(7,8)
An imbalance of the intestinal anaerobic germs is associated with stimuli for the proliferation of Th17 lymphocytes in the inflammatory disease of the colon, while the presence of the commensal species facilitates the development of regulatory T-lymphocytes and the production of IL-10. In autoimmune neuroinflammatory pathologies, microbiota dysbiosis can increase production of autoreactive lymphocytes.(7)
Monosodium glutamate (MSG), a monosodium salt of glutamic acid, is used to enhance the taste of food. There is evidence that increasing their intracerebral concentration increases the levels of proinflammatory cytokines. This has been proven in traumatic brain injuries, neurodegenerative diseases and central nervous system infections. However, the causal mechanism has not yet been fully elucidated.(9)
Stress and autoimmunity
The psychoneuroendocrine-immune system (PNEI) encompasses numerous organ systems and their interactions. Today, almost all the population is subjected to prolonged stressful situations that cause depletion and imbalance of the PNEI system. For this reason, stress is considered a pandemic related to the increase of obesity, hypertension and atherosclerosis and autoimmune diseases.(3)
Many patients
as a result of stress suffer systemic inflammatory diseases that affect different
organ systems such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, Parkinson's
disease, psychiatric diseases, severe chronic fatigue, among others. In diabetics,
stress increases the probability of morphofunctional abnormalities in the organogenesis
of the fetus.(3,4)
Infections and
It is one of the
most known and studied aspects in relation to the etiology of autoimmune diseases.
For that reason in the present work we will limit ourselves to mention the mechanisms
that are known.
Infectious agents can trigger the immune system to be autoreactive by cross-reactivity
between aggressor structures and the host, by non-specific activation when pathogens
break tolerance in the inflammatory response, by presentation of cryptic antigens
or superantigens that activate many lymphocytes that can be self-reactive For
example, in animal models, viruses can trigger exacerbation of the clinical
manifestations of lupus. Persistent infections with enteroviruses increase the
damage in the islets of the pancreas, since they break the tolerance and activate
lymphocytes that damage this tissue.(10)
Autoimmune diseases are more frequent in women. Adequate nutrition allows the
gut microbiota not to be altered and to maintain immunological homeostasis.
Infections and stress situations can trigger or exacerbate the clinical manifestations
of autoimmunity.
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9- Padrón-González AA, González-Costa M. Glutamato, eje hipotálamo-hipófiso-adrenal y manifestaciones clínicas en la esclerosis múltiple. RevNeurol [revista en Internet]. 2019 [consultado4 Feb 2019]; 68: 134. Disponible en:
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