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Using the Satellite Symposium about Space Physiology papers for teaching
Empleando los artículos del Simposio Satélite sobre Fisiología Espacial para la enseñanza
I am Yoshinobu Ohira, from Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan. I read the English version of the Symposium Satellite papers.(1,2,3) I have been using these papers in my classes related to space physiology and medicine, since they cover most of the important area in space physiology. Students are enjoying and are stimulated a lot.
We could not attend the Space Physiology Satellite Meeting held in Cuba last year, because we had International Society for Gravitational Physiology (ISGP) Meeting in Nagoya, Japan. But we would like to attend it, if this meeting is organized next year. I transferred the English version to some Japanese scientists, Drs. Tadaaki Mano, Yasuaki Kawai, and Kunihiko Tanaka, asking for their comments. Looking forward to attending the meeting next year.
Yoshinobu Ohira1*
1Organization for Research Initiatives and Development
Space-DREAM Project
Doshisha University, Japan
*Autor para la correspondencia: or
1. Hargens A. Space Physiology. Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd. 2019 Sep [acceso 14/11/2019];38(3):e266. Disponible en:
2. Sayson JV, Hargens AR. Exercise Countermeasures for the Spine in Microgravity. Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd. 2019 Sep [acceso 14/11/2019];38(3):e252. Disponible en:
3. Hargens Alan R, Petersen Lonnie G. Introduction to cuban space physiology meeting and gravity of exercise for a mission to Mars. Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd. 2019 Sep [acceso 14/11/2019];38(3):e1285. Disponible en:
Conflict of interests
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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