MASP-2 saturation curve in cerebrospinal fluid indicates local synthesis and its equilibrium with soluble and associated forms

Alberto Juan Juan Dorta-Contreras, Cristobal González-Losada, Alejandro Ramos-Robledo, Inga Zerr, Matthias Schmitz, Annette Gudmann-Hansen

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Introduction: MASP-2 is a mannose blinding lectin associate to serine protease in cerebrospinal fluid and its dynamics through the blood brain barrier is unknown.

Objective: To describe MASP-2 diffusion pattern from blood to cerebrospinal fluid.

Methods: A transversal observational prospective study was performed 56 control samples of cerebrospinal fluid and serum were employed. ELISA measured MASP-2. Two groups were made: control patients without organic brain disease with normal cerebrospinal fluid and normal barrier function and patients without inflammatory diseases with a blood cerebrospinal fluid barrier dysfunction.

Results: MASP-2 concentration in cerebrospinal fluid increase with augment the Q Albumin. QMASP-2 vs. Q Albumin saturation curve indicates that MASP-2 is interacting with other molecules in the subarachnoid environment. The higher inter-individual variation of cerebrospinal fluid MASP-2 of the control compared to the serum MASP-2 indicates that MASP-2 is a protein derived from blood. 

Conclusions: MASP-2 in CSF is predominantly blood-derived. The saturation curve demonstrates that MASP-2 interacts with the starters of the lectin pathway like mannose binding lectin, ficolins and collectin LK. 

Palabras clave

complement; lectin pathway; MASP-2; albumin.

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