Interdependency between Nutrition and Oral Health
It is a well-known fact that iron deficiency is the most common form of nutritional deficiency all over the world.Tooth pain or oral disease usually restricts the ability to eat healthy food and to alter nutritional levels and affect oral health, and so nutrition and oral health are interdependent.
Dental caries is a preventable disease, and a better awareness of this disease through several more studies in this area is essential for the development of a comprehensive community dental prevention program
Palabras clave
Aquino Canchari CR, Chavez Bustamante SG, Parco Rupay VI. Relationship between Iron Deficiency Anemia and Dental Caries in Schoolchildren of Peruvian Native Communities. Rev Cubana Inv Bioméd. 2020;39(2):e509.
Anil S, Anand PS. Early Childhood Caries: Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Prevention. Front Pediatr. 2017;5:157. DOI:10.3389/fped.2017.00157
John JB, Asokan S, Aswanth KP, Priya PR, Shanmugaavel AK. Dental caries and the associated factors influencing it in tribal, suburban and urban school children of Tamil Nadu, India: a cross sectional study. J Public Health Res. 2015;4(1):361. DOI:10.4081/jphr.2015.361
Gurunathan D, Swathi A, Kumar M. S. Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Children with Severe Early Childhood Caries. Biomed Pharmacol J. 2019;12(1):219-25.
Schroth RJ, Levi J, Kliewer E, Friel J, Moffatt ME. Association between iron status, iron deficiency anaemia, and severe early childhood caries: a case-control study. BMC Pediatr. 2013;13:22-9. DOI:10.1186/1471-2431-13-22
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