IgG anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibody index as a measure of the naturally-acquired immune intrathecal response in a neuroepidemiological study
Objective: Demonstrate whether the IgG anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibody index can be used as an indicator of a population immune status seen through patients with neuroinflammatory processes.
Methods: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum samples were taken from 64 pediatric patients with intrathecal synthesis of antibodies and IgG anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibody indexes (AI) were determined.
Results: The sample was divided in three intervals according to Hansotto Reiber investigations (·0.6; 0.6-1.5; ·1.5) and a mean interval ±1SD between 0.23 and 1.12. The groups were quite similar regarding to clinic and demographic characteristics; there were statics differences on anti-Toxoplasma gondii AI (p<0.01) and the presence of domestic animals (p=0.04). In the group with AI·1.5, the 83.3% had positive the Measles-Rubella-Zoster reaction, indicative of active autoimmune disease. On the group with AI·0.6 were analyzed six different variables trying to find possible cases with immunodeficiencies: risk factors to contract toxoplasmosis; subjective clinical of immunocompromise; a test to detect immunodeficiencies; response against vacunal antigens and humoral response determined by IgG levels in serum. The immunodeficiencies test was the variable with higher statistical significance (p= 0.047).
Conclusions: The conclusion was that is possible to find subjects with autoimmune disorder and other ones with immunocompromise through the IgG anti- Toxoplasma gondii index by the developed investigation strategy.
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