Short Comunications
Vll Edition of Quincke´s Scholarship: Lecture Highlights
Alexander Ariel
Jairo Lumpuy-Castillo1
José Alejandro Rodríguez-Pérez2
Vanesa Pérez-Vallín2
Alejandro Mirabal-Viel2
William Castillo-González2
Alberto Juan Dorta-Contreras2
Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana, Instituto de Ciencias Básicas
y Preclínicas Victoria de Girón. La Habana, Cuba.
Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana, Laboratorio Central de Líquido
Cefalorraquídeo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas "Dr. Miguel Enríquez".
La Habana,
Quincke´s Scholarship deals with themes related to neuroinmunology
and the complement system.
Describe the most recent advances of the Vll Edition of Quincke´s
and Methods: Publications pertaining to Quincke´s Scholarship were
selected and revised from the work group of the Central Lab of Cerebrospinal
fluid (LABCEL).
The principal topic was the C1q protein; initiator of the clasic complement
pathway. From the analisis of the molecular concentration of this protein, its
transference and the correlations between the concentration of C1q protein in
cerebrospinal fluid (LCR) and the quotient of albumin (QAlb) between LCR and
plasma it is hypothesized that an intratecal synthesis of the C1q in patients
with a disfunction of the blood-brain barrier.
The most
recently discovered pathway in the activation of the complement is the lectin
pathway. The diffusion of the MASP-3 protein from blood to LCR is proof that
the MASP-3 is synthesized in the leptomeninges.
The reibergram
is useful to evaluate the inmune response in patients with: neurological manifestations
caused by the dengue virus, and patients with multiple sclerosis.
The Vll Edition of Quincke´s Scholarship dealt with C1q protein
and recently discovered themes of the lectin pathway and the use of the reibergram.
Keywords: Quincke´s Scholarship; C1q protein; lectin pathway; reibergram.
The study of cerebrospinal fluid began in 1891. The german Heinrich Quincke published on that date an article on lumbar puncture where he raised the possibility of its use in therapeutics and diagnosis.(1)
In Havana in 2012 at the Central Laboratory of Cerebrospinal Fluid (LABCEL) began to develop the Quincke Scholarship in honor of the discoverer of the study of the LCR. They are called each year by the Chair of Scientific Communication, the Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation, LABCEL, the Faculty of Medical Sciences "Dr. Miguel Enríquez "from the University of Medical Sciences of Havana. (2)
Among the objectives of the scholarship are to promote group scientific work, facilitate access to research laboratories and solve problems not yet clarified. Students and residents of Medicine and related specialties of Cuba and the world can participate. It is a summer course with selective participation based on the research results of the aspirant´s curriculum.(1,2)
A central theme
of research in basic sciences related to Neuroimmunology is addressed, particularly
in the lectin pathway (complement system) and aspects of laboratory management.
Conferences are given by LABCEL researchers and specialists from other universities
and countries. At the request of the fellows and to give continuity to the work
in the laboratory facilities in the following months with the advice of LABCEL
researchers, the post-Quincke stays were created.(1)
The aim of this paper is to describe the most recent advances of the Vll Edition
of Quincke's Scholarship.
Publications pertaining to Quincke´s Scholarship were selected and revised from the work group of the Central Lab of Cerebrospinal fluid (LABCEL).
The Central Laboratory
of Cerebrospinal Fluid (LABCEL) of the University of Medical Sciences of Havana,
together with the Goettigen University in Germany and the University of Aarhus
in Denmark, investigate the biological role of the complement system in different
situations. The Cuban working group works the role of the lectin pathway in
the central nervous system in particular.(1)
In the first edition of the Quincke Scholarships in 2012 we worked with ferritin
to evaluate the diffusion of this protein to the cerebrospinal fluid and the
clinical application in various neurological diseases. In 2013, the diffusion
of Ficolines M and H in the cerebrospinal fluid, the different forms of aggregation
found in this fluid and if intrathecal synthesis occurs, was evaluated. The
third edition in 2014 studied the MASP-2, its concentration in serum and CSF
as well as the possibility of its intrathecal synthesis taking into account
its molecular mass.(1)
Map 44 was addressed in 2015 from its diffusion of blood to the CSF, its intrathecal
synthesis and the possible origin as protein of the leptomeninges. In 2016 we
worked with the CL-LK collective. The sixth edition was dedicated to MASP-3,
a protein discovered only 15 years ago. Until 2016 its function was not clarified.
The C1q protein of the classic complement pathway was the theme that was worked
on in 2018.(1-3)
Most relevant aspects in the 2018 edition
In the context of the 2018 edition, fifth-year medical student José Alejandro Rodríguez-Pérez received the LURAP award from the American Society of Physiology for his outstanding research career in the area of neurosciences.
In general, inflammation is a response of organisms to different aggressions that seek to maintain homeostasis. The innate and the acquired immune response intervene in this process. The complement system produces a wide variety of anaphylatoxic substances that intervene in the inflammatory response.(4)
The actions of
the complement in the central nervous system have not yet been clarified. In
the case of lectin pathways, some of its components participate in neurodevelopment,
neuronal communication and neuroinflammation as a response to different endogenous
or exogenous aggressions.(5)
The classical pathway is initiated by the binding of the C1q recognition molecule
of pathogenic antigens, antigen-antibody complexes, and bacterial polysaccharides.
Based on the cerebrospinal fluid analysis of patients with neuroinflammatory
diseases and blood-brain barrier dysfunction, the reibergram was used to assess
the C1q intrathecal synthesis. Interestingly Lumpuy et al found that their production
in the central nervous system is possible.(3)
Further studies
should be carried out to deepen further into the possible therapeutic and prognostic
effects of these discoveries.
Rodríguez Pérez gave a very interesting lecture on multiple sclerosis,
a disease whose etiology is not yet known, although the possibility of viral
causality is raised. Using the reibergram to calculate the specificity of the
antibody index it is possible to establish evidences that relate the Epstein
Barr virus to this disease. There were significant differences between Qspecific
(Specific antibodies in CSF / Specific antibodies in serum) between the multiple
sclerosis group and the control group (p <0.0001).(6)
Eosinophilic meningitis produced by Angiostrongylus cantonensis is in this moment
an emerging disease in Western hemisphere. González-Losada quantified CSF
and serum albumin by immunochemical nephelometry with kinetic analysis. The
MBL reibergram was used in order to determine if MBL can be synthesized in the
central nervous system or not. The H- and M-ficolins regressions were used in
order to determine whether H- and M-ficols could be synthesized in the central
nervous system or not. Interestingly, it was found that Intrathecal activation
of the lectin pathway by at least one of the quantified starters in this group
of patients with eosinophilic meningitis due to Angiostrongylus cantonensis.(7)
The dengue virus
continues as one of the scourges in tropical countries. Nowadays neurological
manifestations associated to dengue virus are reported
more frequently. Reibergram allowed to establish the incidence of intrathecal
synthesis of three immunoglobulins types. Padrón González commented
his results in the research developed with the objective To identify the neuroimmune
response evaluated by Reibergram in patients with neurological manifestations
because of dengue virus. It was shown that the use of Reibergram is important
in the assessment of the immune response in patients with neurological manifestations
of dengue virus.(8)
Dorta Contreras
spoke about the results achieved by the LABCEL working group on the lectin pathways
that were presented at the Experimental Biology event in San Diego, United States.
Above all, he referred to the MASP-3 protein, whose functions are not fully
understood. The evidence up to now allows to affirm that it is a regulating
element of the lectin pathway and is able to activate the alternative pathway
by activating factor D.(8)
Dorta commented on the diffusion of that protein to the central nervous system
which can be found as complexes and its molecular weight is around 105 KDa.
Blood-cerebrospinal fluid allows the protein diffusion according to molecular
size and its relationship with their molecular flow. From the different inflection
points of the relative frequency was found five different molecular orders and
it's identified with the same number of aggregation forms. This five aggregation
forms was associated with the molecular flow of this structures throughout blood-cerebrospinal
barrier. It takes into account that the structure that diffuses more rapidly
should be the 105 KDa native structure and it is possible to associate this
aggregation with native multiple structures and its molecular flow.(8,9)
Dorta also stated that the MASP-3 protein in CSF is predominantly brain-derived
and all results pointed to the leptomeningeal cells as the source of the protein.(10)
The Vll Edition of Quincke´s Scholarship dealt with C1q protein and recently discovered themes of the lectin pathway and the use of the reibergram.
1- Padrón-González AA, Dorta-Contreras AJ, Rodríguez-Pérez JA, Castillo González, González-Losada C. Becas Quincke: siete años multiplicando la experiencia. Inmunología [Internet]. 2018 [consultado 23 Abr 2019]; 37(4): 46-49. Disponible en:
2- Lumpuy-Castillo J, Jiménez-Hernández E, González-Losada C, Rodríguez-Pérez JA and Dorta-Contreras AJ. Teaching immunology based on open science´s principles. Conference Abstract: XII Congress of the Latin American Association of Immunology & XXIII Congress of the Mexican Society of Immunology.
3- Lumpuy-Castillo J, González-Losada C, Schmitz M, Gudmann Hansen A, Jensenius JC, Dorta-Contreras AJ.C1q Intrathecal Synthesis in Patients Without Inflammatory Diseases with Blood-Brain Dysfunction. FASEB J 2018; 32, 1_supplement: 741.3. Disponible en: , Abstract 741.3; Consultado Agosto 22, 2018.
4- González-Costa M, Padrón González AA. La inflamación desde una perspectiva inmunológica: desafío a la Medicina en el siglo XXl. Rev haban cienc méd [Internet]. 2018 [consultado 20 Mar 2019]; 18(1):30-44. Disponible en:
5- Padrón-González A, Dorta-Contreras J. Vía de las lectinas, una ruta del complemento en construcción. ARCHIVOS DE ALERGIA E INMUNOLOGÍA CLÍNICA. [Internet]. 2018 . [citado 28 Ago 2018]. (1):0005-0012. Disponible en:
6- Rodriguez-Pérez JA, Pérez-Vallín V, Mirabal-Viel A, Padrón-González AA, Castillo-González W, González-Losada C, Dorta-Contreras AJ. Epstein Barr Virus and Multiple Sclerosis. FASEB J 2018; 32, 1_supplement: 617.3. Disponible en: , Abstract 617.3;Consultado Agosto 22, 2018.
7- González-Losada C, Padrón-González AA, Lumpuy-Castillo J, Rodriguez-Pérez A, Castillo-González W, Dorta-Contreras AJ. Intrathecal Activation of the Lectin Pathway in Patients with Eosinophilic Meningitis by Angiostrongylus cantonensis. FASEB J 2018; 32, 1_supplement: 741.2. Disponible en: , Abstract 741.2 ;Consultado Abril 22, 2018.
8- Padrón-González AA, González-Losada C, Dorta-Contreras J. Empleo del Reibergrama en manifestaciones neurológicas del dengue. Rev Hab. [Internet]. 2017.[citado 28 Ago 2018] Disponible en:
9- Dorta-Contreras A J, Padrón-González A A, González-Losada C, Lumpuy-Castillo J, Rodriguez-Pérez J A, Ramos-Robledo A, Martínez-Reyes J, et al. MASP-3: a new leptomeningeal protein in the lectin pathway . The FASEB Journal 2018 32:1_supplement, 741.5-741.5
10- Padrón-González A A, González-Losada C, Lumpuy-Castillo J, Rodriguez-Pérez J A, Ramos-Robledo A, Castillo-González W, Dorta-Contreras A J. MASP-3 aggregation and its blood to cerebrospinal fluid diffusion. The FASEB Journal 2018 32:1_supplement, 741.1-741.1

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